In the summer of 2018, Judy and I went to Zambia, Africa, to assist the missionary leading Independent Baptist Church of Kabwe. In this three-month term of assistance I filled the pulpit, and served as Christian academy principal while the missionary hosted visiting pastors during the summer travel season. Judy assisted with the ACE academy.
After the missionary’s departure later that year, Judy and I went back for three weeks in February and March 2020 to lay groundwork for development of a Bible Institute, to help the church train a pastor from among its capable men. Here I preached all services, while Judy and I both acquainted ourselves more thoroughly with the Christian Academy, church, and the issues facing them.
In May 2021, we returned, anticipating a commitment of up to ten years in order to organize the Independent Bible Institute of Zambia, under the ministry of IBC Kabwe, and train a pastor and men to lead it. However, IBC Kabwe installed a pastor in September of 2022, shortly after we had secured legal naming rights. After three trimesters, we turned the effort over to the new Pastor and returned to the United States in January 2023.
Click below to see a glimpse of the ministry in Zambia.