The Cromwell Family

Personal Testimonies
I received Christ at age 6 under a Child Evangelism Fellowship outreach in my home community of Chugiak, Alaska, a suburb of Anchorage. I had answered invitations before, and remembered Revelation 3:20, but not really comprehended why I should be saved. At the Good News Club there was a Gospel presentation with Heaven to gain, escape from Hell. Turning to Jesus Christ, the only one with authority to forgive and the power to save, was the only way to it, and I turned to Jesus Christ with these Gospel truths fresh in my mind. I could not have defined “repentance,” or “born again,” nor cite much Scripture. I did however, perceive a witness that I would recognize Bible authority in my life. I answered another invitation, just to make sure, and sensed a witness I can only describe as turning the key with the engine running. Christ was there and He would stay.
Byron Cromwell
I was saved when I was fifteen, after a bout with depression in a single mother’s home. I was saved by some ladies that were out door knocking, then I started to attend church faithfully through the bus ministry from a local independent Baptist church. After two years of spiritual growth, I surrendered to serve the Lord at seventeen. My mother was not happy about my decision to serve the Lord, and forced me to choose between God and her. I told her that I would serve God, and she kicked me out of the house and told me she never wanted to see me again. A Christian family at the church I attended took me in. I graduated from their Christian academy and went to a small Baptist College in Indiana, majoring in elementary education. Upon completion of my studies, I taught at Odenton Christian Academy, a ministry of Odenton Baptist Church, Odenton, Maryland. There I met my husband, Byron, and we were married in November, 1998.
Judy Cromwell